Within hours of scheduling the Hazel Moon final cover shot, and minor manuscript revision decisions all but completed, the Hazel Moon gods seemed to smile their celestial approval that the book was almost ready to be released to the world as a rare Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse took place last night!
According to Celtic Lore, last night was an Ivy Moon, but the rare occurrence of a super full moon followed by a total lunar eclipse last happened...and yes, more Hazel Moon Gods' Magic...in the early 1980s...and the early 1980s was the setting for Hazel Moon!
I was stunned by the size of the supermoon when I saw it last night, but I must have been one of the few people in America who didn't have a clue that an eclipse was about to take place. My J-Dog, my man Jeff, the science guy, hinted that I should keep a keen eye on the sky as I drove home from my mall maven gig hawking fragrances with my sis, Lori yesterday, but I was clueless until it began happening!!

After Lori and I drove to Detroit to take in the Echo and the Bunnymen concert, my phone died and I took my time replacing it. I liked having that digital umbilical cord cut. It was more like living in the '70s or '80s...times when people actually talked to each other and life was slower-paced. I'd just replaced my phone before the eclipse, but I'd still been avoiding digital media, and didn't set back up emails on my phone, so that probably explains why the eclipse was such a surprise...and being surprised can be a good thing!!
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