Thursday, November 12, 2015

Halloween Fun Mixed with Hazel Moon Business...

This year Lori and I ended up with our guys at a private Halloween costume party that took place at a friend's house. We had been eager to promote our upcoming book by dressing up as the characters, November & Lady Luna, from our Hazel Moon story, wearing name tags, and passing out book business cards with our blog address on them.


When that didn't seem appropriate to the setting, we instead we shifted gears and knowing we would be needing a book trailer, began working out scenes and matching characters and with those at the party, all close friends, who might fill those roles in our upcoming book trailer!

Lori's man, Dave (above), projecting a quiet confidence, we thought would make an excellent Cash Reynolds, while my guy, Jeff, who could pass for an Irishman, would be a terrific Finn McCool! 

Our choice for November, Stacey (above right), was there as well! 

Now we have to get to work writing a script, selecting scenes, casting the roles, rehearsing, and finding the right videographer to capture and edit the trailer, adding hopefully original music from Lori's husband, Kent, who sadly passed eight years ago, but who was a musician and songwriter. Thankfully, Lori's background in the theater, especially musical dinner theater, will be invaluable!

Wish us Luck!!

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