Thursday, March 24, 2016

Live Artists Studio Book Signing truly was a night to remember...yes, the book signing was an unqualified artistic success, but mother nature did everything in her power to make things difficult (is there a lesson there??), much like a night right our of our Hazel Moon novel, as a spring snow storm marched through Wisconsin closing schools, snarling traffic, meaning our most loyal friends and some new fans braved the elements to find our book-signing venue, but find it they did and we want to thank each and every one, and anyway sometimes an intimate event is the most magical! Also...sending a big big hug to Clive Promhows for hosting the signing in his super-cool warehouse studio.

Lori opened the "show" with a moon-themed song, adding the words "Hazel Moon" seamlessly to the lyrics without skipping a beat.

She followed that with a tribute acapella number written by Kent Parco, her husband, a musician and songwriter who sadly is no longer with us and provided much of the inspiration for our writing Hazel Moon. He wrote the song/lyrics for our brother Mark, our angel.

Next,the talanted Jimmy Iaquinta joined the Hazel Moon actors ensemble to perform dramatic readings from two of my favorite chapters, Tourmaline & Witches Broom.

Their acting talents made the already compelling copy from our book come alive to the delight of everyone attending! Then, as if by magic, Lady Luna stepped right off the cover of Hazel Moon and on to the stage to perform a reading in character!

The readings over, a lively series of questions from the audience keep us at the microphone for quite some time and something i thought would be daunting was actually liberating and revealing..

Among the many wonderful people who attended was an Internet expert named Ian who was adamant that targeted Facebook ads were were the way to begin realizing our book's potential to find a wide audience! Our marketing director, and cover photographer, Larry Zamba was there to embrace the idea and begin planning our first ad!

The signing over, everyone leaving the signing, we were left with the beautiful feeling of having shared some of our Hazel Moon visions with the world in terms of our literary art. I feel very blessed to be doing this with my sister and hope to share our message with a wide audience, so market Hazel Moon we're planning to do...SOON!!!

 Click to Purchase

And finally, as if the Celtic Hazel Moon gods approved of the signing, despite the rain and snow that clouded the night skies for the past 48 hours, when we stepped outside the full Celtic Ash Moon was there to greet us!! And it was amidst a terrible storm that the most beautiful moon there's a message for you!


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